How to choose your career path?

How to choose your career path?

A career can be defined as the sum of your professional journey. You must choose a path that will help you to learn as much as you can about yourself, achieve your goals, and the larger context of work.

First think about what you enjoy doing and what you value can be helpful indicators about how you’d like to spend your working time. It not about finding and following your passion. But it’s common to want to feel energized and even excited about what you do.

Think over about your interests, values, and traits, and consider how you might answer them. First is your interest, What do you enjoy learning about?, How do you like to spend your time?, Do you enjoy manual labor or mental labor? , Do you enjoy working outside or inside?

Second thing is values of your life. What is most important in your life?, What are your priorities in life?, Where do you find meaning?, What change would you like to be a part of? , What does success mean to you? 


Once you’ve find out answers to those questions, turn to your motivations for working. You must understand most careers won’t feature everything you’d like, so it’s important to understand your priorities. Salary, Benefits, Autonomy, Work/life balance, Flexibility, Career growth should be in your priorities list. Decide what you’d include on your list and how you’d organize your priorities 

May be you are still a student but researching different industries may help you identify a few that could be a good fit for you. Search for established industries that you interested and make a list of any that best from it and conduct additional research to find out about major roles, benefits, and projected growth. College/University career center is good opportunity for you take advantage of the career resources your college or university may offer. You may be able to meet with a counselor or advisor trained to help you transition from college to a career. Or you can find a career coach trained to help clients learn more about what kinds of work would best suit them.

If you have doubts about the career path you chose you’re not the only one who is having that problem many people have a hard time choosing a career path. Be confident about your skills and your decisions.